Dealing With Hurt

“casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

1 Peter 5:7-8 (NKJV)

A friend of mine shared that she had escalating blood pressure and that it rose while she slept, instead of decreasing. Upon discussing further, the source of the issue was revealed. Our subconscious mind can replay the hurts and or pains of any disappointment experienced. It could cause us to become haunted by dreams that affect us. 

Friends, our lives are so fragile that we sometimes fail to remember that everything is interconnected. There is always a spillover into our spirit, and even though we may be saying, “I’m over this issue, I’m fine”. Most times that’s not the case.

The issues that we hold onto make a doorway for the enemy to step in: his desire is only to remove our peace and fill our hearts with fear and turmoil. In most situations, he is using us against ourselves – (read John 10:10 NKJV). Everything we need begins in our mind – 2 Timothy 1:7. We have power. Feed your mind with the Word, and ask the Lord for the Scripture He wants you to use. Declare it, sing it and romance it and watch Him work on that hurt. 

We are reminded that we should cast ALL our cares upon Him. Don’t allow hurts to take hold, understand that God knows the danger these situations can bring to our health. When we accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, He made us whole in Him. Our lives are hidden with Christ in God – Colossians 3:3 (NKJV). Jesus loves us dearly and desires for us to walk in wholeness.

Today, let go and let God. He says, “…I AM WHO I AM…” – Exodus 3:14 (NKJV).                                                  Let God become what you need Him to be to you, today. 


Read: Psalm 35:26; John 10:10

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 119:113-120; Titus 3; Lamentations 1; Lamentations 2:1-6

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